

Nordic walking was a revelation for my trekking partner Sonya and me. We had done many kilometres with traditional trekking poles but after a free come-and-try Nordic walking session we were hooked. New lightweight Nordic poles were purchased, I especially love my very flash Leki collapsible carbon fibre poles that easily fit in my back pack. We purchased a package including poles, lessons and a shirt which was a great price. Lessons with Greg were enjoyable, technique learnt and corrected without ever feeling like a dunce. In fact lessons were like an excursion; we walked some new places, met other walkers and he even had us walk to the top of Kokoda track without complaint. Four legs are better than two! The other 'light bulb' moment was learning techniques for those steep downhills; especially the rocky ones with slippery scree. Now I can come down at a reasonable pace and not hit the ground in the most undignified way. Ready now to take on Oxfam Trailwalker in June and then Kumano Kodo trail in Japan in November. We are now looking forward to monthly excursions with Nordic Walking Brisbane to see new places and hone our technique.

Fiona, Pullenvale

We have now been out in the world on poles about 10 times. Some of those have been on our own and others in a ‘Greg’ group. Group sessions are useful and necessary to get started and to get across some simple techniques for traversing ground. It is also useful to sort out your own style and to confirm that it falls within the meaning of Nordic walking. The first thing you notice is that there is a technique and style to be learned, but once learned, what is most noticeable is one’s ability to traverse the ground much faster than ordinary walking. The next thing to notice is that the poles provide a much heightened sense of balance  and support and therefore for those who fear tripping and falling, a much higher level of safety while moving rhythmically and (relatively) rapidly. Our experience has been restricted so far to essentially flat ground and prepared pathways and this we always thought was the rational way to proceed – step by step! We do intend to start in a Greg and Stephen group to do some trail walking as weirdly, the joys of punishing yourself in the 55k Oxfam walk makes more and more sense. But, all in good time as we explore the possibilities. If I had to address the question of who is this for, I would have to say that Nordic walking is a broad church. It is a sport; it is a therapeutic exercise regime; it is unquestionably a sustainable form of active aerobic exercise which builds capacity, strength and fitness. It is open to all comers as it is a bit like surfing. Once you are on the wave, how you use it is your affair.
Peter and Elizabeth, Teneriffe

I began Nordic walking in 2015 with my mother in preparation for an overseas walking trip. We walk regularly when we visit the coast so have begun using our poles for short and long walks when at the beach. We had heard about the health benefits, in particular for maintaining fitness when suffering from osteoarthritis and also for maintaining upper body strength. Since we enjoy walking anyway, we thought it would be a good idea to try something different. The lessons are very useful to learn the correct technique, in particular for hard and soft surfaces, up and down hills and on flats. We receive lots of important corrections to improve our technique and make walking more enjoyable. It helps me stay fit as it is a different sort of exercise I can incorporate into my exercise regime. It reduces the amount of knee and leg pain after walking long walks especially when there are many hills. I think Nordic walking is for anybody who can walk. People with no injuries or arthritis have the benefit of using more upper body muscles while they walk so they get a more complete workout. People who have arthritis may benefit from the technique to avoid excess strain on their joints.
Patricia, New Farm

I came across Nordic Walking for the first time when I was staying in the Far East island of Russia called Sakhalin Island.  A Dutch lady taught us as she was a trained instructor.  My husband and I then moved to Brisbane.  Earlier this year, I was diagnosed with a degenerative hip joint condition. I used to love jogging, kick boxing, weight lifting and lots of other exercises.  I can't do any of that now but I still wanted to keep fit.  Then I discovered Nordic Walking class here in Brisbane.  I was so delighted.  Taking the class at Nordic Walking Brisbane assures me that I am getting fit by doing what I am allowed to do.  They tailor the lesson to suit my condition.  Walking is such a basic thing for a human being, however when you break it down to its basic components it is a combination of many movements. We walk all the time but if you can get fit by being conscious about the ‘walking movements’ it "kills two birds with one stone" so to speak.  Even though walking is so natural to us, we do need to be taught how to walk in the Nordic Walking way.  Surprisingly, there are quite a lot of thinking and concentration involved in walking the Nordic Walking way.  Anyway, to me the best thing is that you feel good to be outside in the fresh air doing things to make you feel better!  
Keiko, New Farm  

I love to keep fit by walking around “The Peninsula” but earlier this year my walking for exercise was hindered by the recurrence of an old knee injury. I took up Nordic Walking to enable me to keep up my exercise and it’s been the best thing !  I find I get an even better workout using the Nordic poles and once I came to terms with feeling a bit odd walking around the river with the poles – I embraced the poles as a whole new level of exercise which reduced the level of stress on my knee joints. Now I love to tell my friends I’ve been pole dancing in the park!!  
Madonna, Fortitude Valley  

I have recently been introduced to Nordic Walking by the enthusiastic and knowledgeable team at Nordic Walking Brisbane. It is a really good exercise for anyone, especially someone like me who doesn’t want to get into anything too physically demanding. The team at Nordic Walking Brisbane are really good and patient with novices, teaching and encouraging me with their expertise and knowledge. Their use of video technology really helps me to understand how to get the most out of the whole experience, and so to enjoy it more.  
Ben, Teneriffe

I became a member of an Oxfam team from a simple friendly bush walk with friends and I have never looked back as I fell in love with the challenge and the connections with the outdoors and people. Our team decided to have a trial session followed by lessons with the Nordic Walking team to understand the benefits and the knowledge and skills of walking with poles.  It is simply true the poles when used correctly become 4 legs and they even out the workload in your body, making a more enjoyable hike.  Stephen, Greg and Li were fantastic and I would highly recommend to any walkers beginners or experienced if you have never walked with poles to consider a trial session and lessons to really see the impact of Nordic Walking and how fun and how much easier it is.
Tanya, Samford Valley

As a 67 year old former long distance and marathon runner, I was looking for an activity that would be kinder to my legs and ankles and numerous other injuries and 'niggles'. I am delighted to say that I found all the answers (and more) in Nordic Walking. Under the initial teaching and patience of Greg, I quickly found that Nordic Walking was all that marathon running had given me - there were days when I could push myself and days that I could coast along and enjoy the scenery - it was a discovery that became addictive in a positive way. Accordingly I have no hesitation in recommending Nordic Walking Brisbane, to all those seniors (and others) who want to experience the joy of exercise in its truest meaning.
Bryan, Newstead